
Organize form fields

krzesiczan 19 Jun, 2010
Is there a way to organize fields in order other than top to bottom? I'm tasked with creating an employment application that has some 75+ field that will make the form very long.
Is it possible to enclose the fields in a table with multiple columns?
I'd appreciate if someone could shed some light on this or perhaps steer me toward a tutorial, etc.

krzesiczan 21 Jun, 2010
To paint a better picture of what I'm trying to accomplish attached is a sample of the application I'm working on.[attachment=0]app1.png[/attachment]
nml375 21 Jun, 2010
Hi Tia,
If you are using the HTML editor, then you can enter whatever html-code you'd like (avoid using the <html>, <head>/<body>, and <form> tags though).

Using the Wizard editor though, your best bet would be the "MultiHolder" control, which allows you to group two or more other controls on a single line. It's operation is documented and commented on quite a few times on the forum.

krzesiczan 22 Jun, 2010
Thanks much. Will try editing html of the form.
GreyHead 22 Jun, 2010
Hi Tia,

If you have access to the original form then you can use View Source in your browser and then copy everything between the <form> and </form> tags (but not the tags) and paste it into the Form HTML box of a new ChronoForm.

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