
only for authors

izaa 16 Jun, 2010
how i can allow only authors to see submitcontent form?

i have try with watchman but it don´t work.

thanks for your help!
Max_admin 18 Jun, 2010
The watchman should do it, you may just using it wrong

please make sure that the plugin is enabled under the form "plugins" tab and that you have configured it correctly

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
abasel 09 Aug, 2010
Where does one find instructions on configuring it correctly?
GreyHead 09 Aug, 2010
Hi abasel,

On the Help tab?

abasel 09 Aug, 2010
Go figure, I clicked everything but that. .... embarrasing....
abasel 09 Aug, 2010
Ok.. worked it out. I had to first select the form and then apply the Watchman Plugin by ticking it from the column on the left....I hadn't seen that 😶
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