
Forms won't submit anymore

Form-ality 15 Jun, 2010
I have a form set up on my website that worked fine at first. Now, after clicking the submit button, there is a message that appears, which says: "You are not allowed to access this url." --and the form does not submit. (I used the form wizard exclusively, and I know I set everything up correctly, because I have received forms perfectly several times before encountering this error message. Nor have I changed anything since.) I am currently using version V3.1_RC5.5 and Godaddy is my webhost. Note: I have used chronoforms on another website with no problems whatsoever (either the same version or maybe a slighter earlier version for the other website.)

Let me know if I need to pm my website url. I hope you can help me, because I really need the use of this form.

Thanks in advance,

Max_admin 16 Jun, 2010
Hi Al,

Try to disable the "check Token" option under the "General" tab in the form edit page and see if it will fix that issue

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Form-ality 18 Jun, 2010
Dear Max,

Thanks for your reply. I did exactly as you suggested, but now, I get a different error message (and still no form submission), which reads: "You are not allowed to access this url directly, POST array is empty." Whatever that means?? Looks like we might be narrowing it down. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance,

Al 😀
GreyHead 22 Jun, 2010
Hi al,

The "Post array is empty" message is shown if the form returns No results at all (including the hidden test field that ChronoForms always adds.

Do you have anything in the Submit URL box on the General tab?

Please turn on Debug on the General tab and post the info you see when you submit the form here.

nml375 22 Jun, 2010
Hi all,
I've noticed this behaviour with some SEF/SEO solutions that make use of HTTP 301/302 redirects (which obviously can't "carry" any POST data). If you've got firefox+firebug installed, load/submit the form while monitoring te Net-tab (in firebug), as this would reveal any redirects and similar, aswell as lets you see exactly what your browser sent to the server.

Form-ality 22 Jun, 2010
Dear GreyHead,

Thanks for getting back with me! To answer your questions, I don't have anything in the "submit url box." I turned on the "Debug" option in the General tab to "on" - and, per a prior suggestion, I now have the check token box turned to "Off."

I get the exact same message as before upon form submission: "You are not allowed to access url direcly, post array is empty."

Is there anything to Frederick's suggestion: about 301 redirects? As I have initiated a 301 redirect so that all http://mywebsite is redirected to http://www.mywebsite. (I wonder if my Chronoforms is somehow lined to the http://without www.? Frederick mentioned something about Firefox bug, which I have, but I don't know which tab I'm supposed to monitor. (I'm quite the layman.)

Thanks again in advance for your help. (Let me know, if you need my url).

DelhavensStudio 22 Jun, 2010
having the same problem also. thank you for posting this one. very helpful!
GreyHead 23 Jun, 2010
Hi Form-ality,

AS Fredrik says I suspect that the 301 redirect is causing the problem. ChronoForms copies the URL of the form page and you will trip security warnings if the domain doesn't match when the form is submitted.

Open FireBug on the page, click the NET tab then submit the form to see what is happening here.

Form-ality 23 Jun, 2010
Dear GreyHead,

Essentially, the problem is solved! Thanks to you and Fredrik. All I had to do was reverse the 301 redirect to make the exclusive url of my website in lieu of I say essentially solved, because I kinda wanted to include the "www.", but, if it means I can use Chronoforms, I can live without the "www." However, is there anyway to get it to work with the "www."? And why does it work in one direction and not the other?

(This explains why my other website, which is http://without "www" has had no problems.) By the way, I did purchase the licensed / "validated" version, which I use on the other website (and may add this one), as I think very highly of Chronoforms! Good work! Kudos!

3 quick questions, if I may: 1.) How does one add an asterisk (*) to the right of a field box? For example, to use (*) to denote a required field. (I imagine one must know the HTML to add directly.) 2.)How does one add instructional text within a blank field box, so that one can show an example of how a field box should be filled out? 3.) Finally, I've noticed that if one is not very careful inserting text boxes in the right order the very first time in the Forms Wizard, the "item number" will be thrown off and the field won't appear in the form submission if sent via email - forcing me to start over. Is there a simple way to correct this? Thanks in advance, Al
nml375 23 Jun, 2010
The form should work just fine with or without the www-part. In fact, several forms I used earlier were accessible either through or However, you have to make sure the server and joomla setup does not use the 301 redirect between the two sites during form submission (that includes avoiding .htaccess redirect-rules).
There was some similar issues a long time ago regarding the $live_site setting in configuration.php, though I don't recall if it involved redirects or merely submitting data to the wrong url.

GreyHead 24 Jun, 2010
Hi Form-ality,

1.) How does one add an asterisk (*) to the right of a field box?

Add it into the Form HTML box.

2.)How does one add instructional text within a blank field box, so that one can show an example of how a field box should be filled out?

You can simply add a value='some text' entry to the input in the Form HTML. The problem with this is that you can no longer test for the field being required and people may just submit your help message.

You can have the text appear and disappear by using JavaScript - I posted an example here in the last few weeks.

3.) Finally, I've noticed that if one is not very careful inserting text boxes in the right order the very first time in the Forms Wizard, the "item number" will be thrown off and the field won't appear in the form submission if sent via email - forcing me to start over.

I don't understand this one, usually the item number isn't important. If you need to recreate the Email template then delete everything, including any 'invisible' HTML and ChronoForms will create a new template from your form HTML.

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