formrow->id);$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment1.pdf";$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment2.pdf";$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment3.pdf";$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment4.pdf";After submiting the form a get a blank page and recieve no email. I removed 1 attachment and i recieved the email, i tested in various browsers and attaching deferent pdf's and the result is always the same.Any ideas on the problem?Thanks AgainClinton"> 4+ attachments - Forums


4+ attachments

clinton 13 Jun, 2010
Im strugling to attach 4 or more emails to an email, I am creating dynamic pdf's and attaching them to submited emails for that reason this code is needed and i cannot use the editor of chronoforms.

$MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance("test");
$MyUploads =& CFUploads::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);

$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment1.pdf";

$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment2.pdf";

$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment3.pdf";

$MyUploads->attachments[]= "/usr/www/users/diylaw/libraries/tcpdf/pdfs/attachment4.pdf";

After submiting the form a get a blank page and recieve no email. I removed 1 attachment and i recieved the email, i tested in various browsers and attaching deferent pdf's and the result is always the same.
Any ideas on the problem?

Thanks Again
GreyHead 13 Jun, 2010
Hi Clinton,

I don't think that there is anything in the ChronoForms code that limits the number of attachments so my guess would be that there is a PHP error, maybe a memory limit or a processor timeout.

Try setting site Error Reporting to Maximum and see if you get a meaningful error message. (And/or check the server logs.)

klimmbimm 06 Sep, 2010
I would be interested in your solution, if there was one.
GreyHead 06 Sep, 2010
Hi klimmbimm,

I'd probably try adding the PDFs to zip file and attaching the single zip.

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