
Creating a Formula for Drop Down Boxes?

hernandez50 12 Jun, 2010

Not sure if this is possible or not, but I thought this would be the place to ask.

I absolutely love Chronoforms. It has given me countless options when it comes to presenting my forms in the front end and ultimately has made submitting data from various people much easier and cheaper than other products out there.

Here is my situation:

I currently work for a small university in the athletic department. I have created a form that allows coaches and our staff to rate potential student athletes skills on a scale from 1-10. These scales are all presented in the drop box format.

What I was hoping to do was to have a field at the bottom of my form that would Average all the 1-10 scores and that would give that specific player an average score. I was wondering if this was possible, and if it was if someone could put me on the right track.

I have very very very limited knowledge of PHP, everything I do online is pretty much through Joomla or Wordpress.

Thanks in advance for any help.
GreyHead 13 Jun, 2010
Hi hernandez50,

You need a little bit of JavaScript to add up the values of the selected dropdowns, calculate the average and display it.

hernandez50 15 Jun, 2010

Thanks for the reply. I'm fairly new to all of this, is there a tutorial or somewhere online that can help me get started?

Max_admin 15 Jun, 2010
the javascript code is not something which can be provided in a tutorial, you need to make some search on google to find similar examples and get a working piece of code which can be saved in your form's Javascript code box to do the magic

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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