
checkbox with a text box

swant 11 Jun, 2010
I'd like to know if its possible, is there a way to make check boxes and have a field to type next to it and have the check box if checked tied in with the text. also i would like to have a 2 colum form if possible.
swant 11 Jun, 2010
Also i cannot figure out how to have spaced between fields. I would also like to add a logo to the form if possible
GreyHead 11 Jun, 2010
Hi swant,

I don't understand all of these posts but I think you can probably do everything that you need by editing the Form HTML and/or CSS.

swant 12 Jun, 2010
checkbox textbox


cehckbox=checked then textbox=some name

basically i would like 2 columns is what i was getting out

also how do i make spaces in between fields

instead of being piled on top of each other
Max_admin 15 Jun, 2010
Hi swant,

You can do the checkbox <> textbox relation through some javascript, this is not included in Chronoforms by default but if you can get the code then you can place it in the Javascript code box

The spaces can be modified by the CSS or by editing the HTML code of the form inside the HTML code box under the "Form code" tab

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
swant 15 Jun, 2010

thats all i needed to know
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