
CF + CC serve as the advance search Form?

zhazhago 11 Jun, 2010
Suppose i am selling some products, customers may wish to view the products within certain range.

For instance, the website is for house sales. User can afford the house price between 50k~70k.

Is it possible to build a form (by CF) for user to input minimal price 50k, maximal price 70k (only digital is enough). Upon submit, return the search results to user (by CC).

Best Regards
GreyHead 11 Jun, 2010
Hi zhazhago,

Yes I think that's possible though I haven't tried it.

What I usually do is to buidl a little form into the Header box of the CC connection and use the results from that to filter the display using code in the WHERE box.

I posted a long (and quite complicated) example of this here about a week ago.

zhazhago 06 Jul, 2010
May i have the link for that example?
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