
Thank Yo uPage with SEO URL

finc 09 Jun, 2010
I've got SEO running (Joomla standard) and use a contact form which after sending will show the users filled form data and says
Thank You at the same time.

Same time it slips out of the SEO and comes with a long url

what I really need at the end is the same page even without SEO, but with this added at the end of the url

GreyHead 10 Jun, 2010
Hi finc,

Maybe, you could try adding the suffix to the URL calling the form by using an External URL menu link. ChronoForms picks up the ItemID suffix but I'm not sure if it will pick up anything else.

Otherwise you can change the OnSubmit link by putting a custom link into the OnSubmit box, or with JavaScript in the page (I posted about that recently to change the link to show a Thank You page in a Modal display).

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