
paypal tutorial

lobinof 09 Jun, 2010
thanks for all your work and help.
I've just built a form and now I have to put in a paypal payement required for submitting the form.
I do not know how to do, so:
1) is there a tutorial for paypal plugin?
2) if not, can anyone tell me the steps of this procedure and what kind of plugins do I have to use?

Thank you, indeed
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2010
Hi loginof,

Use the ReDirect plugin for standard PayPal payments, there is no tutorial but there are several threads here about it and the basic steps are pretty straightforward.

lobinof 01 Jul, 2010
ok, I'm using the redirect plugin, but I've some problems.
When I finish the payment process on PayPal site it ask me to come back to my original site. If I click the link I'm redirect to my site, but I've got lots of code (variables) that are visible on my homepage, before the text of the first article (looks like a debug). Is possible not to show them? Or do I have to build a page that can use those variables in the right way??

I hope I've been clear enough... Please help me!
GreyHead 01 Jul, 2010
Hi lobinof,

Hmm. . . there is a bug in some versions of the ReDirect URL that show the $_POST array. There's a fixed version in the forums here somewhere.

But I'm surprised that you are seeing this after returning from PayPal?

lobinof 01 Jul, 2010
yes..exactly from PayPal.. if you want I can send you a screenshoot...
Can you link me the URL of the fixed redirect version?

Thank you
lobinof 06 Jul, 2010
Ok, I've just commented the php line, hope that this "post" problem is solved, today I'm gonna try a transition and I'll let you know.

I'm gonna ask you another thing, hope that you know how to solve without losing time (thank you for helping!!).
I would like to receive the mail from the form only after the payment process (well, good ending payment process!!), so I can take care only about people who have paid for the service. Now, even if the plugin in configured to run "before the email" in the flow control, the mail starts when I click the button "submit" and be redirected to paypal (before login and payment process). Any suggestion?

Thank you
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