
How to create a multipage registration form

bglet82 08 Jun, 2010
I can not create it. I selected the two forms and then click on "multipage" but how do I view the page correctly? what are the exact steps to perform? sincerely thank you.
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2010
Hi bglet82,

You need to create an empty 'parent' form and enable the plug-in for that form, then add the step forms to the configuration. The Plug-in help tab has more information.

bglet82 08 Jun, 2010
Excuse me 😢 but i don't understand. I create a empty form with wizard. do you mean by 'parent'?
then i select empty form and click on "multi page". What's wrong? Thank a lot! 😶
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2010
Hi bglet82,

Check the checkbox by the form name, then click the Multi-page link to open the Plugin configuration dialogue. Look at the 'Help' tab for more info.

bglet82 08 Jun, 2010
this message when i open "multi page":

params: JParameter Object ( [_raw] => debugging=0 onsubmit=before_email stepscount= formsnames= stepsnavigation=0 [_xml] => [_elements] => Array ( ) [_elementPath] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/virtual/ ) [_defaultNameSpace] => _default [_registry] => Array ( [_default] => Array ( [data] => stdClass Object ( [debugging] => 1 [onsubmit] => before_email [stepscount] => 2 [formsnames] => Avviso,Registrazione [stepsnavigation] => 1 [finalbuttonname] => Concludi la registrazione ) ) ) [_errors] => Array ( ) )

thanks, ale
bglet82 09 Jun, 2010
Everything worked, thanks!
bglet82 09 Jun, 2010
If for example the recording consists of three steps, how can I just send an email with the final union of all fields? Thanks
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2010
Hi bglet82,

Add the Email Setup to the Mother Form, I forget exactly how you get the data to show correctly but there was a thread about this a couple of weeks ago.

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