
profile plugin edit info

tcole 07 Jun, 2010
How do I edit the data using the profile plugin?
I have enabled the form to be editable via the plugin.
GreyHead 08 Jun, 2010
Hi tcole,

If the plugin is configured to be editable and is enabled then it will show a 'form' where you can edit the data.

tcole 08 Jun, 2010
Thanks for the reply, Bob
Yes the plugin is configured to be editable and is enabled, but it does not show a 'form' where you can edit the data.

Any ideas on what I should be checking?

I have been working on this and now have it working, sort of. Yes I can edit but it adds a new record, not edit the existing.

GreyHead 10 Jun, 2010
Hi Terry,

You have to identify the id of the record you want to edit in the 'Request parameter name' box - this would probably be 'cf_id' for a ChronoForms created table. Then include cf_id=XXX in the URL to call the form.

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