How do I edit the data using the profile plugin?
I have enabled the form to be editable via the plugin.
Hi tcole,
If the plugin is configured to be editable and is enabled then it will show a 'form' where you can edit the data.
Thanks for the reply, Bob
Yes the plugin is configured to be editable and is enabled, but it does not show a 'form' where you can edit the data.
Any ideas on what I should be checking?
I have been working on this and now have it working, sort of. Yes I can edit but it adds a new record, not edit the existing.
Hi Terry,
You have to identify the id of the record you want to edit in the 'Request parameter name' box - this would probably be 'cf_id' for a ChronoForms created table. Then include cf_id=XXX in the URL to call the form.