Sorry if this have already been answered, its just that i dont know the name of what i want, i want to do a form like this one http://www.bancalari.com/es/auto_cotizacion.htm i mean in box and center.
this is the link to my current form http://www.gamundi.com.do/home/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=146 is it possible to do what i want with ChronoForm and please tell me the name of what im looking for, im a total noob.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry if this have already been answered, its just that i dont know the name of what i want, i want to do a form like this one http://www.bancalari.com/es/auto_cotizacion.htm i mean in box and center.
this is the link to my current form http://www.gamundi.com.do/home/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=146 is it possible to do what i want with ChronoForm and please tell me the name of what im looking for, im a total noob.
Thanks in advance.