
Date Picker/ Required fields not working

swant 03 Jun, 2010
I am running joomla 1.5.17 and chrono forms 3.1 rc5.

i built forms and everything work perfectly yesterday.

I cam in today, and tested my form and the date picker does not show up and it does not error out on required fields if they are not filled in. There were no changes made. the form was built in the form wizard. Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files is set to yes. Date Fields names is set to date_8 which is correct.

I used the component to publish to a shortcut originally i tested with module and has same issue. also it does it on firefox and ie on different machines.

Any suggestions would be great.
GreyHead 04 Jun, 2010
Hi swant,

It sounds as though there is a JavaScript conflict on the page.

Can you post a link to the form please.

swant 04 Jun, 2010

its an internal website, is there anything else i can post that will help?

also where i am posting the form it is basically a blank page other than the joomla menu on the side
GreyHead 04 Jun, 2010
Hi swant,

Check the page with a decent debugger - FireBug in FireFox or the Chrome console and see if there are any error messages or missing scripts.

swant 04 Jun, 2010
I installed firebug, sorry i dont know how to run it and check. any pointers then i can post whatever it finds
GreyHead 04 Jun, 2010
Hi swant,

The first check would be to open Firebug from the the icon at the bottom left of your browser, then relaod the page and see if any errors show up in the Console tab. (See 'I Break for Errors' here).

swant 04 Jun, 2010
so i went back into the form a lil later here and everything showed back up it weird. If it happens again i will try the firebug

thank you
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2010
Hi kardana,

On the Form General tab try setting "Load ChronoForms JS/CSS Files" to "Yes"

kardana 07 Jul, 2010
Aloha Bob,
the forms are all set to yet. Do you have any other suggestions?
GreyHead 07 Jul, 2010
Hi kardana,

Ok - but the files aren't loading. Try turning off the CssJsCompress extension and see if that is causing the problem.

kardana 07 Jul, 2010
Thanks Bob..that fixed it for me!
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