I have chronoform installed and using dynamic emails based on a drop down selection (FAQ 31). It's working perfectly, except whenever I receive the email, in the "To" field I see my email (as expected) and some other email, that has to do with my webhost: [email]Website@ecbiz71.inmotionhosting.com[/email]. My joomla is set to send mail via the php mail function so I am thinking this has something to do with that? Any thoughts?
Emailing a strange email in addition to designated emails?
The code in FAQ #31 assumes you use a normal 'To', rather than a 'Dynamic To' control (think of it as a 'Dummy To'). If you do use a 'Dynamic To', that will be added to the list of recipients, along with the recipient(s) from the FAQ #31 code, and you get the "strange" extra email recipient.
The code in FAQ #31 assumes you use a normal 'To', rather than a 'Dynamic To' control (think of it as a 'Dummy To'). If you do use a 'Dynamic To', that will be added to the list of recipients, along with the recipient(s) from the FAQ #31 code, and you get the "strange" extra email recipient.
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