
datepicker start and end date

deancj1 01 Jun, 2010
I was wondering if there is a way to choose a date in the date picker and have the field populated with that date and a future date something like this.....

5/6/2010 - 5/13/2010

So that would mean that the client selected may 6th from the datepicker and then a date 7 days in the future was calculated to show as well.

GreyHead 02 Jun, 2010
Hi deancj1,

If the interval is always the same then you can set the default value of the datepicker to be today and set a 'readonly' input to show a date seven days in advance. You'd need a script to update the readonly input value as the datepicker changed.

If the period can be more than seven days then you can use linked datepickers with a minimum period of 7 days between them (there is an old thread here somewhere on doing this).

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