
Backup to Excel and PHP error message

pako69 01 Jun, 2010
CSV export work great.
If i want an Excel file, I have this message in my Excel file :

[<a href='function.tempnam'>function.tempnam</a>]:
open_basedir restriction in effect

Thank you
GreyHead 01 Jun, 2010
Hi pako69,

Your ISP has open_basedir set up and it looks as though this is stopping the ExcelWriter creating a temporary file.

pako69 01 Jun, 2010
Yes, i know, this is security mesure. Is there a way to pass through this problem ?
GreyHead 01 Jun, 2010
Hi pako69,

I'm afraid that's a question for your ISP.

pako69 15 Jun, 2010
I have asked to my isp, and he don't want to activate openbase_dir for holes security reasons...
Could you tell me where your programm call something to have this error ?

Warning: tempnam() [function.tempnam]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/:/tmp:/usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/) in /home/mydomain/domains/ on line 87


I have read this line 87 but i don't understand...

Thank you
pako69 15 Jun, 2010
Nearly worked...
I have made two modifications in those files :
-- File.php, line 87, replaced :
$this->_tmp_filename = tempnam($this->_tmp_dir, "OLE_PPS_File");

$this->_tmp_filename = tempnam("/home/domodeco/domains/", "OLE_PPS_File");

-- Root.php, line 99, replaced :
$this->_tmp_filename = tempnam($this->_tmp_dir, "OLE_PPS_Root");

$this->_tmp_filename = tempnam("/home/domodeco/domains/", "OLE_PPS_Root");

And now i got my excel sheet, but the last ligne is wrong, see by yourself :

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