
some question about quiz

micker 31 May, 2010
hello i have a chronform licence for
i am a french user, sorry for my bad english ....
i want to created a simply quiz with chronoform
My idea
question 1 (X radio reponse)
question 2 (X radio reponse)
question 3 (X radio reponse)
question 4 (X radio reponse)
question 5 (X radio reponse)
1 question per page
and at the end
a form with name and email

it's possible to do this and save the result ?
It's possible to integrate name and email in my list of acymailling user ?

If it's possible copy form in order to do an other quiz it's a good solution ?

Thanks for all
GreyHead 31 May, 2010
Hi micker,

Yes, you can do all of that.

Start with a simple form with one question - please see the Tutorials from the link above.

micker 31 May, 2010
hello i search ...
i find how to :
-create form for quiz
-create form for registration

but i didn't find how to :
-assign result for radio button
-link the result to user
-link the two form ...

Thanks for your help
GreyHead 31 May, 2010
Hi micker,

-assign result for radio button

I don't understand what you need to do?

-link the result to user

If the user is logged in then ChronoForms will automatically save the User Id with the form results (provided that you create the results table with Chronoforms Create Table command).

-link the two form ...

YOu can use the multi-page plugin but this is quite complex for a beginner. Please start by getting a single page form working correctly.

micker 31 May, 2010

-link the two form ...

ok i can do a single page for my quiz

-assign result for radio button

in order to assign that radio 2 has the good reponse not radio 1 and radio 3

-link the result to user

if i do this
question 1

question 2

question 3



i link name et email to my mailling (acybamailling)

how to save the result in order to select my winner ?
Thanks for all
micker 01 Jun, 2010
some help please ?
thanks for all
GreyHead 03 Jun, 2010
Hi micker,

I'm very sorry, we can't help you build your form here. We can help you with questions about ChronoForms.

I suggest that you find someone who is familiar with HTML and a little PHP to help you construct a simple version of your form.

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