
Chronoforms not saving the data

gauravdott 30 May, 2010

I have created a form using chronoforms, the problem is that it is not saving the data to the database.

I am using it with the joomla registration plugin, email delivery is successful after the form submission using joomla plugin and also the data is saved in the joomla users table but there is no entry in the table connected with the form.

After a bit of searching i found that there should be no dashes between the field names so i manually edited them to remove any dashes or special characters. I recreated the table selecting all the fields(all the fields were green) but still no luck in saving the data. Also the table has cf_id which is auto increment and is set to be primary key.

Debug data shows the form data successfully after the form submission and the file upload is successful too and the form gives the message Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK.

I still don't understand what is the problem. I am attaching some screen shots of the form settings, please help me!

Max_admin 31 May, 2010
Hi Gaurav,

Drop the old table using the "Table manager" feature (and be very careful), then recreate a new table then go to the "DB connection" tab and make sure its selected then "save" the form (you must click the save button again to reinitialize some stuff) then retry and let us know

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
gauravdott 31 May, 2010

Thanks for quick reply! I tried it already but re-tried it as you said but no luck, sorry!

Please help.

GreyHead 31 May, 2010
Hi Guarev,

Re-saving the form after a database change isn't enough to update the setttings.

On the DB Connection tab set the DB Connection to 'NO' click the Apply icon to save the form, then set the DB Connection back to 'Yes and click Apply again. This will refresh the DB Connection settings that ChronoForms uses and - with luck- will fix your problem.

gauravdott 31 May, 2010

Done that too! Nope no luck๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

What to do?

GreyHead 31 May, 2010
Hi Guarav,

Turn on Site Debug in the Global Configuration page and then submit the form. You should see a long string of SQL queries. Check for the one writing to your table and see if it looks OK. You can test it by pasting it into PHPMyAdmin.

gauravdott 31 May, 2010

It is not executing an Insert query at all for the jos_chronoforms_apply (table used for the form). Only Insert query executed is for the jos_users table.

Should i delete the form and recreate it?

Please help!

GreyHead 31 May, 2010
Hi Guarav,

Is the form using the Joomal Registration plugin?

If so disable the plugin on the form plugins tab and retest to see if the query shows.


PS If you want to, then you can email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.
GreyHead 31 May, 2010
Hi Guarev,

The problem seems to be with the Plugins (probably the Confirmation page plugin). I've turned them off and the Email and DB Connection now work OK. There are known problems with the Confirmation Page plugin breaking the form work-flow :-(

gauravdott 31 May, 2010
Thank you very much!

You were really a great help. Now everything works fine๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
abarrow 18 Oct, 2010
Just a follow-up on this one. I found the thread and did everything you suggested. Confirmation page turned off, disconnect/reconnect to database, etc.

The only thing that would cause my form data to be submitted to the database was enabling "Email Results". When I turn that off, no results are posted to the database.

Any thoughts?
GreyHead 18 Oct, 2010
Hi abarrow,

You probably have the DB Connection set to 'Before Email', this only works if Send Emails is set to 'Yes'. Either change it to 'After Email' or leave 'Send Emails' set to 'Yes'.

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