
Re type email field

webbuilders 28 May, 2010
Hi i have created a form in chrono and is working great...

Now i want to change one field and from text field i wanted to make it a " retype e-mail" field

i want that field to check if the email is the same as mention in the above field "email"

How can i do that change ??

GreyHead 28 May, 2010
Hi webbuilders,

Add the extra field and then add the validation you require. The built-in validation doesn't do this but it is possible a custom validation or with server side validation.

Jim Nayzium 30 Aug, 2012
Can you get us a head start on how to customize this as well.

I am sure a quick javascript addition would do it -- I will re-invent the wheel if I have to, but surely others have done this already!

Max_admin 06 Sep, 2012
Hi Jim,

Assign "email" to your email field id, now in the confirm email field, add this class:

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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