
how to conditionally abort the curl plugin?

gemlog 28 May, 2010
I have a form which uses the verification plugin to send and email(s) and also has a bool for subscribing to an acajoom newsletter(acajoom has its own verification).

I first tried using the curl code before, but using {} notation for the fields, that broke and I saw it in debug, but the error was ignored and the cURL still triggered a subscription. Next I tried:

$subscribe = JRequest::getBool('subscribe', '', 'post');
if(!$subscribe) exit(1);

which I thought would just do the same thing and I had little hope for it, but it worked far too well and the error got passed up and resulted in a blank page for the user and no table entry or emails.

What can I do to prevent just the cURL from executing depending on if that box is checked or not in the form?

edit: ok, I'll just stuff that logic in earlier on, since joobi has its own verification anyhow.
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