
HELP! Going around the bend...

aef03 27 May, 2010
I added a <OL> tag to a text field and forgot to close it.

When I edit the form, I can no longer successfully save (trying to correct the problem).

I editted the database manually via webmin and completely cleared the HTML from the field in the database "jos_chrono_contact" field named "html".

When I reload the form through the form wizard the OLD data is back!

I stopped and started MYSQL (in case of some type of caching) - same result!

Where is it getting the old data?

Tried a different browser (in case of local caching) - same result!

The front end it working fine - it has the corrected data as it is in the database.

Of course I just pulled the public trigger on the form right before this happened.

GreyHead 27 May, 2010
Hi aef03,

The Wizard data is stored in a different column in the database record.

aef03 27 May, 2010
Thank you! I didn't look hard enough!
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