but obviously my syntax is way out - presumably I need to connect to the database, and read the field directly, rather than being able to use the {radio0} shorthand - can you give me a quick pointer...thanks,Gavin"> Using php in form HTML - Forums


Using php in form HTML

GavinErickson 27 May, 2010
Hi there,

I'd like to add an if then else condition to my form HTML that is printing the results from a multipage form. Its all working fine up to this point.

I'm thinking something like:

<?php if {radio0} IS NULL {

echo "something"};
{echo "something else};

but obviously my syntax is way out - presumably I need to connect to the database, and read the field directly, rather than being able to use the {radio0} shorthand - can you give me a quick pointer...


GreyHead 28 May, 2010
Hi Gavin,

ChronoForms usually stores the results from a multi-page form in the Session and makes them availalbe to later steps in an array called $posted. So your code might look like
if ( !$posted['radio0'] ) {
  echo "something";
} else {
  echo "something else";

GavinErickson 03 Jun, 2010
Thanks Bob,

That was helpful. It didn't quite get there, but am posting my solution for others' reference.

It seemed to work for something like :


if ($posted['radio0'] ="I am a Registered Medical Practitioner")  {
  echo "I do not require Environmental Health Licensing because I am a Registered Medical Practitioner";}

} else {
  echo "I require Environmental Health Licensing.";

However, when i add a third condition something like:


if ($posted['radio0'] ="I am a Registered Medical Practitioner")  {
  echo "I do not require Environmental Health Licensing because I am a Registered Medical Practitioner";}

else if ($posted['radio0'] ="I am a Dentist") {
echo "I do not require Environmental Health Licensing because I am a Dentist";
} else {
  echo "I require Environmental Health Licensing.";




switch ($myradio0) {

case ("I am a Registered Medical Practitioner"):
echo "I am a Registered Medical Practitioner";

case ("I am a Dentist"):
echo "I am a Dentist";

case (""):
echo "I require Environmental Health Licensing";

it doesn't add the third condition. In fact when i look deeper, i'm not sure if this method works, since if I try


echo $posted['radio0'];


nothing is printed out.

So I went for a database lookup for the last post based on cf_id


     $q = mysql_query("SELECT radio0 FROM jos_chronoforms_xxx WHERE cf_id= (SELECT  MAX(cf_id) from jos_chronoforms_full_p5)") or die(mysql_error());

// store the record of the "example" table into $row
$row = mysql_fetch_array( $q );

// Print out the contents of the entry 

switch ($myradio0) {

case ("I am a Registered Medical Practitioner"):
echo "I do not require Environmental Health Licensing because I am a Registered Medical Practitioner";

case ("I am a Dentist"):
echo "I do not require Environmental Health Licensing because I am a Dentist";

echo "I require Environmental Health Licensing";



Which is now working. I suppose i'd be curious of ideas about preventing the wrong information being retrieved if two people were (more or less) simultaneously filling out a form.

many thanks,

GreyHead 03 Jun, 2010
Hi Gavin,

As you say you have no way of being sure that you have the correct info from a DB query (though you could use the save value of cf_id to get the right record).

The if and switch examples both have PHP errors
if ($posted['radio0'] ="I am a Registered Medical Practitioner")  {
Needs '==' in place of '=' becasue if (a=b) always returns true.

The switch example needs to use default: in place of case '':

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