
Redirect Plugin?

beginner 25 May, 2010
I am looking for a tutorial/documentation on the Redirect Plugin.
I have a member registration form that has name, address, email,
skills available, other inputs and membership options.
There are 3 membership options in a drop-down menu.

How do I redirect the data from the form and the selected membership
type to paypal and have the user redirected back to my site when finished?

I'm new to web development and this is for a non-profit. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
GreyHead 26 May, 2010
Hi beginner,

If your version of the plugin has a help tab that tells you pretty much all you need to know. There are several other examples in the forums here. And the tutorials tab has a long tutorial on the PayPal API plug-in. This is more complex that ReDirect but uses the same basic field structure.

GreyHead 27 May, 2010
Hi Beginner,

You need to set a password for the new user one way or another.

The latest version of the Joomla Registration plugin has a checkbox that you can set to get the plugin to do this for you. If you don't have this version then you can set the value in the Code before box using code like this
$password = JRequest::getString('password', JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(), 'post');
JRequest::setVar('password', $password;
Then use password in the two password boxes in the plugin.

rmsu 15 Nov, 2010
Looking foward for your return Bob!

Hello guys!

My question is simple: I don't want any Password field, I want to offer a simple form:

But when I make test, even without any password field, I get the message "Password is required".
I disable already Anti-Spam, Validations, everything I could think about...
Is there a way?

Thank you in advance for your time!
GreyHead 17 Nov, 2010
Hi rmsu,

Are you using the Joomla! Registration Plug-in? I think that one version has a bug in the auto-create password code.

chroworker 01 Mar, 2011
Hi MSU - did that solve your problem. I have similar issues too. thanks Emma
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