
Front-end data runs together

Sanguine 23 May, 2010

I created a form using Chronoforms and everything is running fine, i installed ChronoConnectivity and the data is being saved to the database. I currently have a table set in the front end to display all the data that gets submitted after completing the form. Everything works great until multiple people start sending applications, All the data gets put into the same table (in the front-end). Is there any way to make sure chronoconnectivity or chronoforms will set the data into separate tables while viewing the submissions in the front end?

If i missed the topic just point me in the right direction. And to Bob, Ive been reading the forums all day and i see you respond to 90% of all questions, I wish there were more people like you around!!!!!!!! Great site, Great Product! a++++
GreyHead 24 May, 2010
Hi Sanguine,

I don't understand how (or why) you want the data separated?

It's usually to collect all the data into the same table and then use the ChronoConnectivity 'WHERE' box to filer it.

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