Does the name of the form have to match the name in chronoconnectivity? All my form names have a dash in them and connectivity will not let me use a dash in the name. For example my form name is exercise-worksheet. I tried changing the name in connectivity and labled it exercise_worksheet because it wouldn't let me use the dash but didn't change the form name. When I submit the form, with the URL redirection back to the page, I get the message:
There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management
I am thinking it may be the name issue, but hope it is something else. If it is the name issue then I have to go back and rename all my forms using an underscore but then Joomla will not let me save the form name in the menus area with an alais having underscores.
There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management
I am thinking it may be the name issue, but hope it is something else. If it is the name issue then I have to go back and rename all my forms using an underscore but then Joomla will not let me save the form name in the menus area with an alais having underscores.