
Deacil 20 May, 2010

I am trying to use ChronoForms for the first time. I have always used the other guys to build my Joomla Forms. One of the main reasons for coming over this way was the functionality. I purchased both ChronoForms and plugin and honestly I am a little disappointed in the lack of documentation. I have searched the forum and found little bit and pieces of information. Unless I am looking in the wrong place. Can you please either send me the documentation or point me in a direction to find where to find it?

Also, do you have any sample forms I can use as a base?

GreyHead 21 May, 2010
Hi Deacil,

Max has never created a Tuturial for the Authorize,net plugin. But there is one herefor the PayPlay API plugin which is pretty much the same.

There is an odd link in the Forms Manager that says "Upgrade SQL and Load Demo Form" If you click this it will Load a Demo Form (and will not harm the SQL).

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