
Joomla 1.6 Beta1 is out

mariokrupik 18 May, 2010
As Joomla 1.6 Beta1 is finally out, I would like to ask, if there has been some work beeing done for the compability with chronoforms.
I know this is quite early to ask for, but I am thinking about buying an Unlimited Licence, and therefore I will need to know, if you are planning to work on a Version for 1.6.

GreyHead 18 May, 2010
Hi mariokrupik,

That really is a question for Max, I know that he has some plans for the next version of ChronoForms for 1.6 but how far advanced those are I don't know. Joomla development has slowed up a lot over the last year or so.

mariokrupik 18 May, 2010
thanks for the answer Bob. Did you talk about the General Joomla Development of the cms itself, or the Joomla Development of Chronoengine?

GreyHead 18 May, 2010
Hi Mario,

I was thinking about the development of the CMS as a whole :-(

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