
undefined offset after entering wrong verification code?

kalei 17 May, 2010

I have a strange problem. In order to have a userfriendly form I checked

1. Republish fields if error occured "Try to republish" &
2. Renew Form Instance On Submit "Same Instance"

Everything is working fine unless the fact that after someone enters a wrong verification code at the bottom I get 20-30 times this message

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /xxx/xxx/components/com_chronocontact/libraries/includes/JSrepublish.php on line 124

This messes the whole form up. Does anyone know what happened?

I really appreciate your help

GreyHead 18 May, 2010
Hi kalei,

In your Site Global Configuration set Error Reporting to 'System Default' or to 'None'. That should hide these PHP Notices.

In this case it looks as though it is linked to checking select box options in the republish process.

kalei 18 May, 2010
Hi Bob,

thanks a lot. Works like a smooth engine now🙂
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