
Chronoform ==> Vtiger

JoergDoehring 17 May, 2010

I wrote a web form. It seems to work because I get a mail with all information.
My problem is that these information are not transmitted into "vtiger".
The plugin "CURL" is activated.

Does anybody knows a solution ?

GreyHead 17 May, 2010
Hi Joerg,

That all looks OK - what do you see when you turn debugging on in the Plugin?

JoergDoehring 17 May, 2010
Hi GreyHead,

i see this after turn on debbugging:

CURL OK : the CURL function was found on this server.
$params: JParameter Object ( [_raw] => debugging=0 target_url=http:// header_in_response=0 onsubmit=before_email [_xml] => [_elements] => Array ( ) [_elementPath] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/ ) [_defaultNameSpace] => _default [_registry] => Array ( [_default] => Array ( [data] => stdClass Object ( [debugging] => 1 [target_url] => [header_in_response] => 0 [onsubmit] => before_email ) ) ) [_errors] => Array ( ) )

best regards
GreyHead 18 May, 2010
Hi Joerg,

When you submit I'd expect you to see something more like the info at the end of this post.

JoergDoehring 18 May, 2010
Hi Bob,

i see the following code after submit:

CURL OK : the CURL function was found on this server.
$params: JParameter Object ( [_raw] => debugging=0 target_url=http:// header_in_response=0 onsubmit=before_email [_xml] => [_elements] => Array ( ) [_elementPath] => Array ( [0] => /var/www/vhosts/ ) [_defaultNameSpace] => _default [_registry] => Array ( [_default] => Array ( [data] => stdClass Object ( [debugging] => 1 [target_url] => [header_in_response] => 1 [onsubmit] => before_email ) ) ) [_errors] => Array ( ) )

I can´t see any change there.

Link to our webpage:,com_chronocontact/Itemid,210/

GreyHead 18 May, 2010
Hi Joerg,

All I see after submitting is a 404 page :-(

JoergDoehring 18 May, 2010
Hi Bob,

i turn off the redirtect url.

Now you can see the debugging informations..

I´m sorry about my english 😶

GreyHead 18 May, 2010
Hi Joerg,

So that tells us that we are connecting OK but the CRM is saying that the data is invalid.

The data that is being sent is in the $curl_values line at the top.

It looks as though something important is missing?

There isn't any account name or id there to identify the CRM account. Should there be?

JoergDoehring 18 May, 2010
Hi Bob,

the account id are in the webforms.config.php in vtiger.
The original Vtigerforms works fine....

Any other idea?

GreyHead 18 May, 2010
Hi Joerg,

So what is in the original vTiger forms that isn't here?
(This is now a vTiger question not a ChronoForms one).

Do you need to include 'assigned_user_id' ?

gwza 20 May, 2010
Hi Joerg,

I would love to know if you get this working. Maybe you can post a link to other forums where you are pursuing this?


gwza 21 May, 2010
Hi Joerg,

no idea at present, and don't have time right now to play with it, but would love to get it working!!

akerman 12 Jun, 2010
It's very likely I have a solution for this. Still interested?

Combine the info at this link:

With the following information from vTiger/me:

Secure posting of form from CF CURL to vTiger needs the following:
1. Check your variable ]$application_unique_key under the vTiger CRM root directory file:

2. Add appKey=youruniqueapplicationhere to the CF CURL Extra field (see point 7 in the link above) on a new row

3. Activate the security by setting vTiger WebForms config file correctly:
$enableAppKeyValidation = true (this is set by default but please check...)

These infobits together form the solution you're looking for. Somehow both CF and vTiger failed to mention the need for the "appkey" when posting... many seems to just switch off this security and posting unsecure. (only found one note on this after hours searching...)

I recommend to post securely, especially if you set this in a client environment.

Akerman /

(PS there are issues with CF CURL posting and Arrays (One filed - multiple values) I will address this in another posting)
JoergDoehring 23 Jul, 2010
Hi gavner,

it works fine.
See the Atachment.
gavner 23 Jul, 2010
ok cool, what does the "lead source = website" refer to?
JoergDoehring 23 Jul, 2010
it shows you in crm which source the contact is using

for example: from website, newsletter, mail, phone....
gavner 23 Jul, 2010

Hi gavner,

it works fine.
See the Atachment.

One more thing, what changes did you make to the vtiger files for example, webforms.config.php? or any other. Mine is set to

$enableAppKeyValidation = false;
$defaultUserName = 'admin';
$defaultUserAccessKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

$defaultOwner = 'standarduser';
$successURL = '';
$failureURL = '';

is that right?
JoergDoehring 23 Jul, 2010
$enableAppKeyValidation = false;
$defaultUserName = 'admin';
$defaultUserAccessKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

$defaultOwner = 'admin';
$successURL = '';
$failureURL = '';

* JSON or HTML. if incase success and failure URL is NOT specified.
$defaultSuccessAction = 'HTML';

$defaultSuccessMessage = 'LBL_SUCCESS';

gavner 23 Jul, 2010
Ok, i must be missing something, no joy yet😟 are there any other vtiger files or cf settings that need updating ?
JoergDoehring 23 Jul, 2010
hmmm, i have no idea...

Is your vtiger 1.5?
Is CURL activatet in your form?

see attachment
gavner 23 Jul, 2010
Im on joomla 1.5
vtiger 5 1 0
curl is green, yes😟
heart0 22 May, 2012
Hi Akerman - I am hoping you can help me🙂 I have tried following the directions and the URL you gave plus your additional info. But the problem I'm running into is that we don't have vtiger installed on our server. We are using the online version of vtiger. This means I can't get to the config files that you mentioned to change some of the settings, etc... But surely there's still a way to get this to work?

Combine the info at this link:

With the following information from vTiger/me:

Secure posting of form from CF CURL to vTiger needs the following:
1. Check your variable ]$application_unique_key under the vTiger CRM root directory file:

2. Add appKey=youruniqueapplicationhere to the CF CURL Extra field (see point 7 in the link above) on a new row

3. Activate the security by setting vTiger WebForms config file correctly:
$enableAppKeyValidation = true (this is set by default but please check...)

The info I have in my CURL action on my chronoforms form is the following:

Target URL:

Header in Response:

Params/Field Maps:
leadsource=Web Site

I've gotta be close, eh???

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