
multipage form

Pelabon 16 May, 2010
I am triyng to make a multipage form, but it does not work and I am lost...
Here is the web site admin :
id : xxxx
password : xxxx
I made 8 child forms :
"cc1", "cc2", "cc3", "cc4", "cc5", "cc6", "cc7" et "cc8"
mother form is called "motherform"
the article where the form is placed is called : "Cahier des charges de votre site" in uncategorised section. (Id article : 97)
To call the page :
Can you help me ?
Thank you,

GreyHead 17 May, 2010
Hi Elo,

Please don't put site logins into postings here. I've changed the ones you posted.

Have you enabled the plugin on the Mother form plugins tab?

The list of child forms in the plugin configuration should not have quotes around the names.

Pelabon 17 May, 2010
thank you for your answer and sorry for the login.
I have enabled the plugin and verified the list of child forms have no quote.
Now, the form appear on the page, and work untill the last one.
But when I send the form, I just arrive on an empty page and the form is not sent.
GreyHead 17 May, 2010
Hi Elo,

A blank page at the end is normal unless you have put some thing into the OnSubmit boxes on the Mother form or the last child form (or set a redirect url on the mother form).

What do you mean by the form is not sent?

Pelabon 18 May, 2010
well I have written a text in "step 4 After form submission", in the cc8 last child form "Wizard Edit", but when I submit the form, this text do not appear. Only a blank page appear.
I mean also that normaly I should receive by mail the result of the form and the sender should also receive a mail but nothing happen
(sorry for my bad english)
GreyHead 19 May, 2010
Hi elo,

Pelabon 19 May, 2010
here is the file.
The child forms are cc1, cc2, XX3, cc4, CC5, Nc6, CC7, CC8 + motherform.
Thank you in advance,
GreyHead 19 May, 2010
Hi elo,

It doesn't show from the last step for me either :-(

I moved it to the Motherform and then it's OK.

For the emails I suggest that you move those to the Motherform too. I think that they should work OK from there.

Pelabon 19 May, 2010
thank you very much for your help, it works.🙂
Pelabon 20 May, 2010
sorry but I come to you with still a few problems and questions ...
- I can not run the captcha on multipage form
- The option "try to republish" is not working on any of my forms for the field "email" (eg in the form attached contact)
- In the multipage form, there is a button "next page" on each page, is it possible to put a button "previous page" and that all data remain?
- If a wrong captcha code is written, is it possible that the form remain on the last page?

Thank you for your patience,

here is the file
GreyHead 21 May, 2010
Hi Elo,

Not sure about the captcha with a multi-page form. There isn't much point putting it on page 8 as no spambot is likely to get there.

The email field isn't republishing because you got 'email' in the 'Skip on republish' list on the motherform General tab.

You can add a Back or Previous button using the Steps Navigation URL as a link.

Pelabon 22 May, 2010

thank you for your reply.
I removed the captcha multi-page form, and put a link back "page précédente" on the pages.
When return back, the data previously entered are recovered.
But when click again on "next page" the data have disappeared.
Is it possible that the system stores the data for all pages?

I put "email" in the 'Skip on republish' list on the General tab because of what happens when I just try to republish and nothing in "skip..."
Can you look my contact form : when you enter a wrong captcha, a script is written in the email field...
Now I have removed the captcha on multi-page form, "try to republish" works for "email".
But on the contact form with a captcha, "try to republish" does not works for "email".

I also wanted to ask you if it was possible to remove the words "Submitted by + ip adress" which is at the bottom of messages sent with the results of forms.

Sorry, a lots of questions…

GreyHead 23 May, 2010
Hi elo,

It is **important** that you debug a multipage form one page at a time before you start working with the whole flow.

The error with email is probably caused because you have the Joomla! Email Cloaking plugin turned on. Try turning that off for the moment. If that fixes the problem then turn it back on but set it to run *before* the ChronoForms plugin.

Pelabon 23 May, 2010
Super, it works well!
thank you very much for your help and patience
vavslovakia 30 Jul, 2010
I need back button - make it work, but if i clicked od back, i have my form cleared and without of content of the form. I enable - Republish fields if error occured- try to republish on all child and mother forms and checked whole chronoengine forums but i cant see solution for my problem.

Can you checked it please?

Thank you very much
GreyHead 01 Aug, 2010
Hi vavslovakia,

I'm not sure about this. ChronoForms makes all the results available in the $posted array so maybe you need to set the form values from this.

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