
What if javascript is turned off...

Mushr00m 15 May, 2010
Hey everybody !

I need some help for a question that stuck in my head...
The validation system for the field in chronoform is a javascript code, so what if the user (more often the crasher) just turn off the javascript... He can do what ever he wants !
Does anybody already used some php validation or something to be sure that javascript is on ? and can share it here ?

PS: I know that there is no problem if using captcha but I can't use it on some of my forms...

Thank you very much for this so great component !

GreyHead 15 May, 2010
Hi MushRr00m,

Use the Server-side validation set up from the box at the bottom of the Validation tab.

Mushr00m 15 May, 2010
Thanks for the quick answer !

It works perfectly...

There is no way to "force" the user to activate javascript to see the form ? I know that it's not a chronoform dev but more a php one but maybe you already know...

Thanks again !
GreyHead 15 May, 2010
Hi MushRr00m,

Not really. I guess that you could hide the form somehow and use JavaScript to un-hide it again. But the general principal is that web pages should work OK without JavaScript.

Mushr00m 15 May, 2010
Yes you're right.

Thanks for everything.
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