
blank fields after wrong CAPTCHA submittal

fullfusion 12 May, 2010
I've seen a number of post regarding the form fields being blank after a wrong CAPTCHA code submittal with the response being to set the "Republish fields if error occured" to "Try to Republish". I have mine set to that and I'm still getting blank fields. Any suggestions?

GreyHead 13 May, 2010
Hi Dan,

Hmm slightly obscure problem there . . . I think that it may be because your form inputs don't have value attributes. Try adding value='' to the text inputs.

. . . but that doesn't explain the drop-down :-(


fullfusion 13 May, 2010
Thank you for the reply, Bob. I added the value='' as you suggested and it didn't do anything. I noticed that I didn't have quotes around type=text and size=30. So I adding quotes (type="text" and size="30", etc.) and now it works, including the dropdown. So you got me thinking down the right path. 😀 Thanks again!

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