
Confirmation page problem

jakeatencio 12 May, 2010
Great component, liked it so much that I bought a 5-site subscription in anticipation of using it more. For the most part I've got everything figured out for what I need to do.

My only issue is on the site I am currently creating the form for. The confirmation page comes up after submission but it is on a plain blank page, not part of the Joomla site, and has no links or buttons to get back to the site. I created the confirm page using the form wizard. I tried creating a new page, it always works, but just on the plain blank page.

I've created confirm pages on another site, and it worked great. I can't figure out what I did differently. Here is the form (using the content plugin):

Any help would be appreciated
GreyHead 13 May, 2010
Hi jakeatencio,

I'm not certain but I suspect that the problem is the dashes in some of the input names e.g. First-Name. They tend to give ChronoForms indigestion. Replace them with underscores like First_Name.

If you are using a DB Connection you will need to rename the columns too and then refresh the DB Connection.

jakeatencio 20 May, 2010
It worked. It also solved a problem with posting to the database (I should have made the connection between the two problems myself).

I had to drop the table and make a new connection to get it to work though.

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