
Add row of field elements dynamically [Add row]

naghris 11 May, 2010

I have a order form that has basic contact information and then 1-n rows, each containing fields

Type (Select) , SizeX (text), SizeY(text), Amount(text)

Currently I need to make predefined amount of rows and have a huge sized form even if the client orders one row. I would like to have a [Add row/More]-button that appends a row containing these elements and they would have a unique name/id. I know how to make this in jQuery but would it be possible with Joomla/MooTools and would the submit work normal even with these dynamically added fields in ChronoForms?

The data needs to be sent only to email.
GreyHead 11 May, 2010
Hi naghris,

I don't see why you shouldn't do this with JQuery provided that you run it in No Conflict mode.

naghris 11 May, 2010
So the dynamically generated form elements work ok with ChronoForms?
GreyHead 11 May, 2010
Hi nahgris,

With some limitations, Yes. If you are returning the result in arrays and have the first row hard-coded then there is every chance that they will work OK. If not some hand-coding may be needed to add them into the DB Connection or Email Templates.

Hard to be more specific without a more detailed example.

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