
Chronocontact Messing Up Page Format

silkweb 04 May, 2010
Hi Everyone, I have my form inserted into an article on my site and the form works perfectly with the exception of messing up the formatting on my page. It is pushing my right content module over to the left side and the left side module is no where to be found.

You can see it here:

I thought it might be because of the version of the Chronoforms component (V3.1_RC5.5) and Chronoforms plugin (V3.1_RC5.2) - can someone please advise if these 2 versions work together or what my issue may be?

Thanks, S
GreyHead 04 May, 2010
Hi silkweb,

Looking at the page source the </form> tag appears in the middle of the form code and there are some broken divs too.

silkweb 04 May, 2010
Thanks Bob, that is strange because I used the wizard to create the form. I will have a look at the code.
silkweb 04 May, 2010
SOLVED....I redid the form in Dreamweaver and copied the code into CF and this fixed the formatting. For what ever reason when the wizard created the form the site didn't like the code, so instead of <div> tags I put the form in a table and all is well.

Thanks Bob, for if you hadn't said the code looked funny I never would have thought to recode the form.

Cheers, S
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