
Validation messages type not shown!

syed 04 May, 2010

I was trying out the chronoform component and i must say here that.. i'm in love with it. Congratulations on making this great component.

I was exploring on how to show my own divs for errors in my forms, but due to some reason i don't see an option under the validation's tab where i could set the errors to be shown in my own div's and not behave as default. I read out the forums and found that there is an option "Validation Messages Type" where we can do that, but I don't have any such options available under Validations Tab. I have installed the component successfully without any errors and all. Is there a toggle switch to have that option somewhere...

Please guide.. i'll be grateful.

Max_admin 04 May, 2010
Hi syed,

Do you have the latest version ?

there is some way to show the messages inside your own divs but the divs will need to have specific ids, some example/howto was posted here before, please try to find it๐Ÿ™‚

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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