
Getting form content into an article

dnigra 03 May, 2010

I'm using Joomla 1.5 and the Joomla 1.5 version of Chronoforms.

I'm a very novice user, and I can't see how to have ChronoForms put the data from a form into an aricle so that it can be reviewed and then published.

The form works perfectly, it sends email to the right places, and it updates the database. Yay ChronoForms!

But, now how do I make it write the data into an (unpublished) article?

I have tried to upload submitcontent.bak with no success... I download the file to my machine. Then using the admin end Extensions>Install, I browse to submitcontent.bak, click Upload File & Install, and get this error: Unknown Archive Type.

The Chronocontact module is installed an published. The chronoforms component is installed and working.

I know this is a very basic question, but I've searched the forums and I can't find the answer. Can someone please point me to some help?

Thanks.......... dnigra
Max_admin 04 May, 2010

the submitcontent file should be "restored" through the Chronoforms restore forms option😉

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dnigra 04 May, 2010
Oh, it does say that, RIGHT on the applications download page.

Thanks for pointing that out, sorry I was oblivious.

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