
Bug DateTimePicker and loadmodule

djygue 02 May, 2010
first, sorry for my bad english.

I want to have 2 forms in the same article because i want to have some text and other between the 2 forms.
I load the forms in the article with "loadmodule".
I have a datetimepicker in the first form and also a datetimepicker in the second form. In the first form, the datetimepicker button appears, but the button of the datetimepicker in the second form doesn't appear.
If I delete the first loadmodule in the article, then the datetimepicker button appears.

Is there a solution or a correction for this bug ?

Thank you for response, and thank you for your good job with chronoforms.
Max_admin 04 May, 2010

try to make sure the 2 date fields have 2 different names, you can set/change any field name in the wizard (if your form is created using the wizard) or in the form HTML code

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
djygue 05 May, 2010
I verify, the datetimepicker have not identical id or name.
The forms have been creates with the wizard.
Max_admin 07 May, 2010

I would like to see this form, do you have a link ? please post it here or send it to me through the "contact us" page

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
djygue 11 May, 2010
I was working with 3.1RC5.1. I download latest version 3.1RC5.5, and now it works.

Sorry for spending your time
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