
Chrono Forms for Booking Engine

mapme 29 Apr, 2010

I am working with a client who has a very specific need for an online service. The client runs a Graduation Gown rental service, and wants to accept online bookings.

It is a very complex booking system where the "products" (gowns!) changes on the site very often. For example, only Open graduations are on the site and the Site Admin will need to unpublish/publish various graduations as they occur.

I hyad hoped to use Virtuemart for this, where the university/college is a category, and the name of the course is the product. However there are a number of other criteria that need to form part of the process. Firstly, the client wants the first search option for potential "Gown Rentals" to be the Graduation Date - not the product or the category. in my opinion this would be to cumbersome for Virtuemart to handle.

Therefore I am wondering if Virtuemart could be used in tandem with dynamic forms to handle this type of complex booking engine? Most Joomla Extensions relating to rental/leasing refer to property/boats and this doesn't do the trick unfortunately.

Any thoughts on a complex process like this for Chrono Forms? The advantage with using Virtuemart is the vast range of supported payment engines, including an obscure Irish payment engine that is used by the client.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Am I over my head with this one? IE, can Joomla do this!!!

Thanks as ever,

Max_admin 04 May, 2010
Hi Brendan,

IMO This is a bit complex and needs some db associations, I would suggest you have a Joomla extension written for this specific task if you want to stick with Joomla.

You are welcome to contact me through the contact us page for more thoughts/ideas regarding this project.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mapme 04 May, 2010
Thanks a lot for that... I am thinking of user a bulk-updater to upload LOTS of Virtuemart Categories, sub-categories and products, which will reflect dates, universities and times.

Have it working for a single day - need to sort out a lot of hierarchies in the Virtuemart but once this is done I could manage it. From here it will hopefully be a case of simply publishing out the graduations from the Shop Admin if and when the client needs them.

Training will be the hard part!

Max_admin 04 May, 2010
You are welcome, glad you managed to find an existing solution fitting your needs🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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