
How to set the font properties of TextBox and TextArea?

nopalot 29 Apr, 2010

how to ensure TextBox and TextArea elements share the same width, font and font size?
There's an input field to overwrite the forms css properties on one of the forms tab, what exactly do i have to put into it to accomplish this?

I've found some information about how to set font properties on but they don't get applied, so i suppose i set them to the wrong "css elements". How can I determine the css name of a form element i'd like to style?

Thanks in advance!
TBolt 31 Jul, 2010
I came here to find out the same thing. Kind of disturbing that you've had no reply. 😟

I hope we both find our answers. hehe

EDIT: By the way, it helps to have the Firebug plugin for the Firefox web browser. You can use it to help find which .css file contains the elements that you need to tweak.

For instance, thanks to Firebug, I was able to identify the .css file that contained various font settings that needed to be adjusted. The file was style1.css, which is found in this directory:


Hopefully Firebug would have helped you, as well.
GreyHead 01 Aug, 2010
Hi TBolt,

Exactly - I'm not sure why Max finds it necessary to set a font-family in there.

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