
Translation of Form Validation Messages (JavaScript)

harkman 26 Apr, 2010

I want to ask for a better way to handle the translation of the validation messages.
The "custom title" workaround is not sufficiant here for the following reason:

If you take the email field for example, you have more than one validation rule:
1) It may not be empty
2) I must be a valid email address

There are different messages for each validation rule. Using the title workaround I'm limited to one message, and that is not what I want.

My Suggestion: Make the Javascript file with the validation code a PHP file. call this file with language-codes like http://plugin_path/js/validation.php?lang=en-US

Make this files translatable via the standard joomla method. I want to add, that I'd prefer to see ChronoForms using the standard Joomla language file system in all plugin code.
GreyHead 26 Apr, 2010
Hi Harkman,

Please don't double-post. It wastes my time and yours.

harkman 27 Apr, 2010
I'm sorry if I wasted your time. I did not intend to.
I made the other post five days ago and did not get any reply. I thought maybe you do not read the reply to a one year old thread.

What really wastes my time is the incompleteness of chronoForms in regards of multi-language forms. I used Chronoforms three times in the last year on single language sites and was mostly satisfied with the results. That's why I bought the subscription.

Now I'm trying to set up a multi-language form for days and don't get the results I need.

The double post was because I think this topic should be important enough to get a reply from you or the developer. I'm trying to be constructive, making a suggestion how to solve this. I could easily code this into Chronoforms myself but then I'd have to adopt my patch to every update. That would really waste my time.

I made this double post, because I like the product. I want to see it improve and fit my needs and the needs of others here in the forum. I'm not the only one that asked how to translate the validation messages.

Not replying to my first post is what wastes your and my time. If you already know about the problem why not tell me? If you do not plan to work on it, why not tell me to use some other product for multilingual sites?
GreyHead 27 Apr, 2010
Hi Harkman,

For me there's nothing to reply to. I do support here, Max is the developer, I have no idea if he's read your post or not.

I can see that you've made a helpful suggestion, thank you for that. There are also other solutions and suggestions here in a variety of forms including using Joomfish; using custom validations; etc.

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