
Form with 2 Checkboxes -> E-Mail to...

blondie 25 Apr, 2010

i have a Form with 2 Checkboxes:

Depending on which checkbox is selected, an e-mail to the "Webmaster" or "pastor" is sent.

I have did it with the following Code (On Submit code - before sending email:)

$MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance("$formname");
$MyFormEmails =& CFEMails::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);
$copyme = JRequest::getVar('check0', array(), 'POST', 'array', 0);

if (in_array('Webmaster', $copyme))
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'enabled', '1');

if (in_array('Pastor', $copyme))
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(2, 'enabled', '1');


When i select the Checkbox "Webmaster", the E-Mail is send to the Webmaster.
Exactly the same is, when i select the Checkbox "pastor" the E-Mail is sent to the Pastor.
This works very well.

My Problem is, when i selct both no E-Mail where send. What could be wrong?



P.S: Sorry for my bad English....
blondie 26 Apr, 2010
Hello again,

i have found an solution.

$MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance("$formname");
$MyFormEmails =& CFEMails::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);
$copyme = JRequest::getVar('check0', array(), 'POST', 'array', 0);

if (in_array('Webmaster', $copyme))
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'enabled', '1');

if (in_array('Pastor', $copyme))
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(2, 'enabled', '1');

if (in_array('Pastor, Webmaster', $copyme))
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'enabled', '1');
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(2, 'enabled', '1');


If I have checked both checkboxes, i have "Pastor, Webmaster" in the variable $copyme.

I haved tried to split the variable with

$copyme2 = explode(",", $copyme);

but i dont know if it works. I never had programmed in Php.

With only 2 Checkboxes the code are working well. But with 3 ore more checkboxes the code is be very complicated. I have also tried it with preg_match, but this will only working with strings not with arrays.

if (preg_match("/Pastor/i", $copyme)) {
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'enabled', '1');   

Does anybody knows a better solution? I think, when this will working without

if (in_array('Pastor, Webmaster', $copyme))
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'enabled', '1');
  $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(2, 'enabled', '1');

then the code is very simple, and it is an Example for the FAQ section?


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