
Question about ChronoConnectivity settings

cawnc4 20 Apr, 2010
Hello, I am trying to set up a form using chronoform and have it display using chronoconnectivity. I also need it to be search-able. So far i have a form working and i can view the submitted data on the back end, but when i try to view it with chronoconnect it tells me that i cant view it, once that i get the settings right i can mess with it until it comes out how i want it. I am trying to do this as simple as i can. Can someone show me just the basic settings to display the data, once i get that working I will mess with the search stuff.
GreyHead 21 Apr, 2010
Hi cawnc4,

Sounds like a permissions issue. For development make sure that you select all the user groups on the CC Front-end tab.

cawnc4 25 Apr, 2010
this is what i have selected, and for the bottom parts there is only one user so it is automatically selected
GreyHead 25 Apr, 2010
Hi canwc4,

That all looks good.

And if you click the link in the CC 'Forms Manager' you get the error message?

cawnc4 25 Apr, 2010
if i click on the link it says "You are not allowed to access this page!" but if i click show data it shows the back end correctly.
cawnc4 28 Apr, 2010
or could you link me to a tutorial that shows what I am looking for? I only found one CC tutorial and it didnt help me at all, i want it to go straight to a database, no reason to use email at all.
GreyHead 29 Apr, 2010
Hi cawnc4,

I don't know what you are looking for, so it's hard to point to a tutorial. As you are talking about email and databases I guess this is a ChronoForms question not a ChronoConnrctivity one.

cawnc4 29 Apr, 2010
No, i completely understand CF, my backend with CF is working perfectly, I dont know how to create a front end with CC though.
maccasnaccas 11 May, 2010
I am getting this same problem 'You are not allowed to access this page'. Is there an answer to it.

I have marked all user groups and myself as a user
maccasnaccas 11 May, 2010
Forget above. I saw what I was doing wrong.

bneese 13 Aug, 2010
I am getting the same error. I have selected all the groups but I still get the error.

You don't have suffecient view permissions to view this page
djrobbie 27 Aug, 2010
I also get this error now. Even tried to create a new connection from the start.

You don't have suffecient view permissions to view this page

Get that message when trying to view the "link" from the Chrono Connectivity - Connections Manager
GreyHead 27 Aug, 2010
Hi djrobbie,

Please don't double-post. I've just replied to this in another thread.

ascwash 15 Sep, 2010
This will occur if you haven't published the CC connection
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