
how to display the results from a form?

dee-pack 20 Apr, 2010

sorry for the newbee question, but after reading some tutorials I don't understand how can I display results from a form.

Could anybody help me?

GreyHead 20 Apr, 2010
Hi dee-pack,

It depends, what do you want to do with them?

dee-pack 20 Apr, 2010
In fact I want to crat a system of books review.

And I would like that the results of forms are displayed in a joomla article.

I don't know if I am clear. :?
GreyHead 20 Apr, 2010
Hi dee-pak,

To display form info in articles please download the 'submit-content' form from the Downloads area here. If you search in the forums you'll find several threads about customising this form to meet your needs.

dee-pack 20 Apr, 2010
ok thanks GreyHead, I'll check that😉
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