
Error displaying form

jotako 16 Apr, 2010
When trying to display my form I get the messagge:
"There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management",
I have created my form, connected it with a table, and then published it.
I have then created a new voice in the main menu under cronoforms and i introduced the name of my form in the field name form in the top right.
My home page is this:,
The preview of the form is this:,
and in the main menu (Contatti) where I have made the conection with the form, it appears this page: instead of the url of the form.
I don't know where I am mistaking, can anyone give me a hand?
Thanks very much for your help, and scuse me for my english but I'm italian 😀
GreyHead 17 Apr, 2010
Hi jotako,

This could be because you haven't put the form name in the Menu item?

If the form name is there then it may be a problem with SEF URLs, try using a Menu Item of Type 'External Link' and putting the whole page link in there.

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