
Excel export warning/error

eyeofhorus 13 Apr, 2010
when I try to export form data to excel, I get the following error, inside the actual excel file that opens, and no data:

<b>Warning</b>: tempnam() [<a href='function.tempnam'>function.tempnam</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/doc/ in <b>/www/doc/</b> on line <b>87</b><br />

Any ideas?
Many thanks
GreyHead 13 Apr, 2010
Hi Vince,

Please talk to your ISP. The current site settings don't allow the ExcelWriter to create/write to a temporary file.

eyeofhorus 13 Apr, 2010
Hi Bob,
thanks for your quick response, I'll get on to them right away!

Thanks a lot for chronoforms, by the way, great app.
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