"> Opt in form with automated responce - Forums


Opt in form with automated responce

jxsn 12 Apr, 2010
First off I am building this form on a joomla 1.0 site with and older version of Chronoforms

My form is working and the automated response is working, Now here is the hitch I only want the automated response to go to the submitter is they actually opt in to the service. I thought i found how to do this last night but now I can't fine the article. Can anyone help?

here is the opt in options in the form HTML

      <td width="65">
        <input type="radio" name="opt-in" value="authorize" id="opt-in_0" />
      <td width="403"><p>I want authorize option.</p></td>
        <input type="radio" name="opt-in" value="do not authorize" id="opt-in_1" />
      <td><p>I do not want to authorize option.</p></td>

The Auto responder in the "submit after email is sent" field:

$recipient = $_POST['email'];
$subject = "Thank YOU for your recent contact.";
$html_message = "
<p>This notice serves as confirmation that you have authorized us to use your info</p>";
mosMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $html_message, true );
echo $html_message;
GreyHead 12 Apr, 2010
Hi jxsn,

Looks like a simple PHP if() . . is needed to check the result of the checkbox.

jxsn 12 Apr, 2010
Yeah that is what I found on here last night, just can't find it again to mimic it. I will keep digging. thanks
jxsn 15 Apr, 2010
Ok what I thought would work on this forum was for triggering different templates and not necessarily an if statement. So I stuck again and my lack of php programing knowledge has gotten the best of me.

If anyone knows how I might write this if than statement I would be willing to pay for the time involved.

jxsn 15 Apr, 2010
OH getting close. Found this site and thought I would share. this page is triggering an automated response and also sending the form results to different emails that are determined by what options are chosen in the form... Kind of cool Now I just need to figure out what I actually need from it and get it working??? Fingers crossed!

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