
Help me please, I'm new

grom0007 10 Apr, 2010
I'm new and I don't really know php or html. Where I am stuck right now is on how to only display one certain record on the front end in chronoconectivity that is editable by the user, but not display any of the other records. For example, if a user submits a form 3 times, there will be 3 records (rows) of data in his table, then when I use {edit_record} in the chronoconnectivity body it duplicates the edit link for all 3. If lets say I ony wanted to display record number 2 or only records from that user and make that edit link show only, how would I do this?

Is there a way that I can make it so that the user can not submit multiple records perhaps, So that there will always only be 1 record in their table?

Or is there a way to only display and edit data for just that user in the table only, and not records from other users?
GreyHead 10 Apr, 2010
Hi grom0007,

ChronoConnectitivity is intended to display lists. If you ony want to display one record then it's better to use ChronoForms with the Profile Page plugin.

grom0007 10 Apr, 2010
Thanks. I'm looking at that now. It says I need to create a specific link? on my web page to recall a record, but I'm not quite sure how to do that, or how to display the data for the user, and make their info editable for a given record? My skill level is to point and click, but I'm learning slowly.

(I'm thinking I need to go back and learn how to make complex links, html, php etc before attempting to create a webpage 😛 )
grom0007 11 Apr, 2010
Ok I looked at it and I figured out how to create a link via the profile plugin that will bring up the first record in a table for a user into the form so that the user can edit it. However when that user submits the changed data, instead of rewriting that record to the table, it simply adds another record to the table. I'm not sure how to use that properly to edit an older record rather than adding a new one.

Sorry for my inexperience, it might be easier if I simply explain what I'm trying to do and you can tell me if theres an easy way to do it:

User logs into website, submits data via a form that is stored in a table. Now user decides that they want to go back and change some of the answers on the form ther submitted. Then when they have changed everything to the way they want it, they can print out their answers as one sheet on the printer.

The user might make multiple submissions but I only want them to be able to see and edit and print the last given answers for each question on the form they submitted, and not see or acess data submitted to the table by other users. Is this possible to create via chronoforms without knowing php or html?
GreyHead 11 Apr, 2010
Hi grom007,

Is this possible to create via chronoforms without knowing php or html?

Almost certainly 'No'.

To update a record you need to include the Primary key value of the existing record in the form. Usually you do this in a hidden input.

grom0007 11 Apr, 2010

Almost certainly 'No'.

Thats what I was afraid of. Oh well, I needed to learn it sooner or later.

One more question...Is it possible to have the form from the profile page plugin populated with data in the table that will display the last submitted data for that user? Right now I have it set up to show data from the table when you go to the form but it shows the first record in the table and I want it to display data from the last record submitted by that user to the table, not data from the first record subimitted to the table?
GreyHead 12 Apr, 2010
Hi grom0007,

In the Plug-in config box there's a setting to change the ORDER from ASC to DESC. Hopefully this will give you wnat you want.

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