
Display Filtered Results

libraguy78 10 Apr, 2010
Ok, I've gone through the forums a few times, hoping I could find something that I could manage to alter enough to use, but I'm failing hard here.😟 I'm hoping someone could help me out.

Ive taken a look through the few Search scripts and filter scripts, but i don't know my ass from my head in some of the PHP scripting stuff, I'll admit.

Basically I need the results to be filtered showing only results that match from the CHAR_DISTRICT entries in the SQL.

For instance. When a person loads into the area, it only shows entries that have "Citizen" in the CHAR_DISTRICT SQL entry. I'd prefer it something that will load automatically, but if need, maybe just have a 'load' button with a hidden entry search that will pull up the records.

Crossing fingers that someone could help out. Thanks!
GreyHead 10 Apr, 2010
Hi libraguy78,

I'm not sure that I understand the question completely.

First off, I take it that this is a ChronoConnectivity question?

You can pre-filter the results using the CC WHERE box e.g. WHERE `CHAR_DISTRICT` = 'Citizen'

Does that do what you want? If not what other criteria are there?

libraguy78 10 Apr, 2010
Yes! Thats what I would like to do. I've been looking for the CC's manuals, FAQs or something, and honestly i must be blind tonight or something. I need it to only show records that where CHAR_DISTRICT = 'Citizen' and possible a second field (CHAR_APPROVAL = FALSE) would show. Right now its defaulting by giving me the entire list of all entries, which I don't want. I want only specific entries to show, the others should remain hidden/not displayed.

If there is a pre-filter, then I don't know where its at.😟
libraguy78 10 Apr, 2010
Ok. Out of sheer curiosity, i pasted the code you had up there, and it worked. I facepalmed when i realized it was so simple. Thank you so much! Off to more fun times I go. But perhaps one last question. If I wanted to filter it by two fields, how would I do that? (CHAR_DISTRICT and CHAR_APPROVAL)

Thank you so much again in advance!
GreyHead 10 Apr, 2010
Hi libraguy78,

using the CC WHERE box

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