
Can't post comments with CAPTCHA

mr.morton 08 Apr, 2010

I recently took over development of a Joomla site, and one of the big problems with the site is that users can't submit comments to the blog.

I think the problem is in the Captcha part - if I disable Captcha I can post comments.
I have no problem rendering the Captcha picture.

You can see the site here:
Feel free to post comments even though site is live, I will monitor and delete test comments.

I am new to Joomla, but have a lot experience with PHP and Drupal.

Hopefully someone in here can help.
mr.morton 08 Apr, 2010
Ok, now I got it working with Captcha.

replaced the old coment-form.html.php with a new one.

And now the comments is submitted and captcha is working.
But when the comment is submitted the the comment is first
visible after a reload.

Anybody got an idea?

As mentioned I just overtook the development, and not used to Joomla,
so maybe it is easy to fix?
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